Auto Texter – send random SMS using Python and Google Voice API
TLDR :)= You can find full project on github –
This has been a fun project. It could easily be turned into some kind of fun prank. What started out as a joke from my sister-in-law has turned into something quite fun for me. My wife and her sister asked me to help with some fitness goals. Normally I would pay no attention to such a request, but this one gave me a fun idea. I wanted to randomly text them throughout the day to remind them to focus on fitness. I also wanted to automate it. I figured it would be a good python project.
First I needed to figure out if this was possible. I googled something like “python text message.” There is plenty of stuff that popped up, but most of it was for Twilio, and you had to purchase a phone number. Well, I was not that invested in this project. I did not want to pay for a new phone number… especially when google offers free ones with google voice. I googled something like “python google voice sms” and found this wonderful blog by Motion Design
Now we are off to the races! The googlevoice function made this pretty easy. You can send a text from python with just a few lines of code:
from googlevoice import Voice
gv.send_sms("7204369797","Hey there tubby")
Now we read from a list of phone numbers and we can send everyone on that list a text:
ListOfNumbers="PhoneNumbers.txt" PhoneList=open(ListOfNumbers, "r") for PhoneNumber in PhoneNumbers: gv.send_sms("7204369797","Hey there tubby")