Tag: Configuration

This post goes over how to change IPs on an existing Microsoft Failover Cluster. It also happens to go over some Oracle Failsafe stuff.

Identify New IPs you will be using

  • You will need four new IPs for the cluster
  • Node1
  • Node2
  • Microsoft Cluster
  • Role
  • You need your new subnet mask
  • You need your new Gateway IP
  • You need your new DNS server IPs
  • You may need two additional IPs for the Heartbeat network depending on if you are required to change those.


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This post goes over how to configure a Windows 2012 or 2016 Failover cluster with a shared disk to run on Virtual Machines.

You will need 3 Virtual machines:

  • A domain controller
  • Node1
  • Node2

You will need 5 IPs on the same subnet (these are just examples, use whatever you want)

  • – DC
  • – Node1
  • – Node2
  • – MsCluster
  • – MyApplication

You will need 2 IPs on a separate subnet (these will be the heartbeat IPs, you can use whatever you want)



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